Saturday, January 17, 2009

1/17/08 5:30p

A day of no work today. How amazing. Even though I worked a overnight for Sam last night and got off at 6a but left at 6:30a.

I had a really good day yesterday. Work was fun! I had fun socializing with my co workers. Then the NCI client party and the Dance was awesome! It was soo good to see people and clients I haven't seen in a while.

Now, I'm supposed to be getting ready for the NCI work party tonight, yet I'm still laying in bed. So many things running in my head I don't know where to start.

I've been having weird dreams lately. They keep continuing too. Just with different people from my past. Last nights was Mr. Bouncer, a few nights ago was Mr. Halloween. I know why Mr. Bouncer's dream was there but I don't know why Mr. Halloween as in there. I dont know why i'm dreaming of them to begin with. There part of my past.... well kinda.

I can't wait to leave Minnesota for a while. I need to get away. Something here is bothering me an I need to leave....


Monday, January 12, 2009

1/13/09 12:20A

So.. I'm laying in bed, tired as heck, wanting to go to bed but just can't. So I start listening to music. I couldn't decide what to listen to... so I put my songs on shuffle. A song came on where the lyrics go..

"How could this happen to me
I've made my mistakes
Got no where to run
The night goes on
As im fading away
Im sick of this life
I just want to scream
How could this happen to me"

This song fills my head with so many thoughts of things that have happened in the past. I remember listening to this song after basketball games that we lost on. I remember feeling sick of my life and wanting to leave and run away. It makes me think of how easy life was then. Go to school, play sports, go home eat, sleep. You don't have to pay for much, you have parents who support you or who are there for you.

This has happened a lot to me lately. It happened last week and the song that came on made me crying thinking of summer of 2006 when I didn't care about myself and just partied all the time and drank. Granted I made some really good friends and lost some friends.

Then I think of him and how I met Mr. Big. I think of how much my time I lost becasue I loved him. Well, I did it. I got rid of Mr.Big. It's been almost a month. I am proud of myself for the fact tha I can do this and I am doing it.

Anyways... I just had a few of those thoughts going on.

Happy Tuesday!



Well.. back to school it is. I'm sitting in the computer lab cause I got here early.

Really? They couldn't have cancelled class today? I know its the first day of the semester but really... its snowing like mad outside and the roads are horrible. I got here early just so I could be early. It's dead here.. I wonder how many people will actually show up for class. I just went online to D2L and it said... "Use your best judgement" Damn... I shoulda stayed home. But it would have counted against me.

Today I have psych. Gotta love it! I actually forgot that when I signed up for this class... it meets only everyother week. YAY! I only have class everyother week. Then I have online stuff to do the opposite week. Oh well, I can do that from my bed.

Work was good today, I got in a snow fight with a co worker and lost cause the snow wasn't sticky enough to make a snow ball... and he had a shovel. Lovely! Took my hands over 15 minutes to warm back up! I love my job!!!!

Anywhoo.... I best get going. Class starts in 20 minutes and I need to make a good impression and be early:-)

Happy 2009!!!

Love, Rachel